東京都港区 PCB設計会社 東和サーキット マスコット

Join Us at Towa Circuit!~私たちと一緒に働きませんか?~BLOG

Join Us at Towa Circuit!~私たちと一緒に働きませんか?~

One of our biggest concerns has been the decreasing number of PCB design engineers and the aging workforce.

PCB design is a specialized field that is not widely recognized in society. Due to various reasons, we haven’t had many opportunities to welcome new employees. Before we knew it, our company was left with only three engineers, all in their late 50s, working tirelessly.

However, changing our mindset made all the difference. Previously, we were fixated on hiring “full-time employees, within commuting distance, and with experience.” But thanks to a new opportunity, we shifted our approach to “remote workers, experienced, and nationwide.” This strategy worked perfectly, and today, we operate with a team of three in-house employees and six remote workers—a total of nine members.

It makes perfect sense! Since the COVID-19 pandemic, our company has fully adapted to telework. For designers, the flexibility of working “anytime, anywhere” is highly beneficial. This means we can collaborate with skilled remote workers across Japan via online connections.

Of course, every remote worker has their own circumstances—some may struggle with fixed working hours due to family commitments, commuting might not be an option, or job opportunities might be limited outside major metropolitan areas. But it would be a waste not to utilize their valuable skills!

So, “Would you like to work with us?” You don’t have to take on full projects—just contribute to specific tasks based on your available working hours.

This is the new way of working that we envision.


頑張る女性を応援 社長の旅ブログ